Solar PV: Will You Truly Benefit?

The question above is not posed as to whether a commercial solar panel installation will benefit your company – the answer to that is yes in many areas. The question is about this time of the year when summer is already at its maximum for solar PV generation, would you truly benefit from an installation towards the end of the summer leading into the winter, when the days are shorter?

Surely, the maximum benefit of a solar panel installation is activating it in the spring and summer months as the days are longer. At AMS Solutions, we install solar panels all year round, and the later summer months leading into the winter have their advantages. Timing is of the essence, and here is why.

Maximising Energy Capture

Solar panels harness energy from the sun and efficiency is measured by various factors. The angle of the sunlight, the duration of daylight hours, and the presence of weather are the main ones.

Installing a commercial solar panel at the right time ensures they are primed to capture the maximum amount of sunlight when it is most abundant, translating to more power and better efficiency. Much like any other market, the demand for solar panels can fluctuate throughout the year. If the summer is the busiest time for solar panel installation, you may benefit from reduced prices and more availability towards the end of the season, ensuring a smoother and more affordable installation process.

Colder Month Purchases

While solar panels are advertised constantly in a sun-drenched graphic, the cooler and slightly colder periods of Autumn and Winter have a compelling case too.

The entire process from signing a contract to the first day of using the product can take up to three months. Therefore, if you start in November, you are primed for the spring season and have a fully operational system. This way you don’t miss as little as a day of optimal solar PV generation when those longer, sunnier days make an appearance.

You also stand to miss the traditional spring rush when it comes to commercial solar panel installation, as well as the price increase that usually comes in the new year.

Solar panels are the future of power solutions UK, and you do not have to wait until closer to the sunny seasons to take advantage of them. Contact the team at AMS Solutions for personalised advice on commercial solar panels for your specific location and requirements.

solar PV

Solar PV: Will You Truly Benefit?


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