Did You Know This About Commercial Solar Panels?

You may know the basics about commercial solar solutions, but do you know some of the more interesting facts about a commercial solar panel that truly benefits your business? When the team at AMS Solutions sits down to talk with clients about their solar power interest, the gap in information and knowledge potentially has kept their transfer to renewable energy on the shelf instead of benefitting their business operations. Solar energy is the most popular renewable energy source, yet most globally-produced electricity still comes from fossil fuels.

That is gradually changing, and we believe misinformation is what is holding up progress. We decided it was time to shed some light on how renewable energy conservation is transforming many industries.

How Solar Energy Works

Everyone knows that solar energy is produced through the sun’s rays into a solar panel, transforming that sunlight into electricity. Photovoltaics are the example you are the most familiar with. However, new technologies that generate high-temperature solar process heat from concentrated sunlight have been developed and applied on an industrial level.

Industries that have relied heavily on fossil fuels, such as the construction industry, can now use solar energy and solar process heat as a clean, sustainable fuel alternative. We have seen the cement industry reduce its carbon footprint in recent years through this implementation, among many others.

Those Interesting Facts

With the constant rise in energy prices across the UK, cheaper clean energy alternatives are always in high demand. The good news is that solar energy prices have decreased while national grid suppliers have skyrocketed. Commercial solar panels are now at their cheapest cost and much easier to make a solid ROI than they were ten years ago.

While the Grid prices have risen, researchers have succeeded in improving the efficiency of solar technology, and continue to work on further ways to make commercial solar solutions accessible to every industry.

The biggest misconception is that solar panels are ineffective on cloudy or rainy days. However, even with bad weather, commercial solar panels will still produce enough solar power – between 30%-50% of their full potential. These solar panels will also operate at high efficiency for the first 25-30 years. It is expected performance will degrade following those 30 years, but they will never stop converting sunlight into solar energy for your business.

Despite what anyone says, solar power is not some new energy source that will die in time. This has been available ever since the sun came to life, and will be around as long as the sun is. That is free energy forever! How can you not believe that is a great investment for your business?

If you want to discover more about commercial solar panel installation and how these power solutions Manchester can fuel your business moving forward, contact the team at AMS Solutions today.

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Did You Know This About Commercial Solar Panels?


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