Commercial Rewires

Discovering that your property requires a full electrical rewiring can be extremely overwhelming, imagining how much it will cost as well as how much disruption will take place. However, when comparing the dangers posed by faulty electrics to workers or the public, those concerns are very small.

The cost of rewiring your commercial property is possibly nowhere near the ballpark figure you imagine it to be. It is worth remembering that aside from ensuring the safety of your workers, it will add considerable value to your property also – making it more of an investment.

Does Your Property Need Rewiring?

If you have bought an existing warehouse or office building that has been in use for decades before your company moved in, these properties are more likely to have faulty or aged wiring around the building. Newer buildings will have access to greater technological improvements, including more sockets and trigger switches for any electrical faults detected.

If you rely on multiple extension leads in older properties that have limited electrical sockets for today’s business needs, you will be running the risk of overloading the sockets – in turn, greatly increasing the risk of fires. If your fuses are always tripping for no obvious reason, that is time to call for electrical testing and inspection from AMS Solutions.

To protect employees, a business should have its electrics checked every five years via EICR/fixed wire testing Manchester. This also extends to landlords of residential properties, especially when a tenancy changes hands.

What to Expect with Property Rewiring

There is no way to sugarcoat it, rewiring involves removing all of the old and faulty wires within your property – which can be extensive work. That includes the removal of fuse boards and other electrical components.

All will be replaced with fresh, compatible and safe electrics. The certified AMS Solutions team will renew all wiring, installing new consumer units, switches and socket outlets before testing the circuits and issuing an installation certificate. It is a comprehensive operation, requiring a knowledgeable and experienced professional to ensure it is conducted in line with current building regulations.


Your furniture will get moved and your carpest and flooring will get lifted – your business will lose electrical use whilst the work is being undertaken. But with those sacrifices, you are ensuring compliance and safety for your business.

At AMS Solutions, our experienced team work with you to find faults in your systems and advise on the best options to keep your company operational and safe. When you own your commercial property, you ensure that the electrics are updated and safe to protect yourself, your staff and your business reputation.

Contact the expert team at AMS Solutions today to talk about all forms of electrical breakdown services, rewiring safety and health and safety services Manchester.

electrical rewiring

Commercial Rewires


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